Kitchen & Attic Window Replacement

We decided that our new floorplan required a number of windows to be resized. The attic windows needed to be enlarged to meet egress, and the kitchen windows needed to be raised as their bottoms were below cabinet height. We ordered from Duxton, using the cog R8.3 triple glazing (Cardinal 180, double lowE argon). Big thanks to Peter Amerongen for his help with the install work!

We weren't sure whether to replace the windows during the internal or external portion of the retrofit, as holding off would make that cash available for other things, and allow us to move in sooner. Having to modify window size basically forced our hand.

While cutting back the stucco for the enlarged rough openings, we realized that the stucco is installed on top of 3/4" furring, which is sandwiched between two layers of building paper. That's a 70yr old proper rain screen design!